Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Apple iPod Touch 6th Generation Possibly not Canceled after All, Coming in ... - Master Herald

The iPod Touch 6G can easily take the prize for this year's most confusing device, as it's been surrounded by countless rumors, many of them contradicting each other and going in completely opposite directions. Some have been claiming that Apple are going to revolutionize the iPod Touch line with this product, while according to others, the company is actually looking to kill off the brand and focus more on the iPhone and iPad lines.

Both sound equally plausible, as more people have turned to their phones as their main multimedia devices lately. And yet, the iPod line still enjoys a strong following and many people would be excited to see a new release in it, especially if it's an iPod Touch. What could the new iPod Touch offer to make it a truly attractive choice and revive interest in the line though?

According to some rumors, Apple are actually going to split the device from its "parent", the iPhone, and make it a somewhat more unique product with its own features. Previously, the iPod Touch was basically just a clone of the iPhone with its cellular capabilities removed, but it seems like Apple aren't very eager to continue this style anymore. This could be in response to recent criticisms towards the company that they have been a bit weak on the innovation front.

And after all, the iPod originally revolutionized the music market, and it's entirely possible that the company could do that again with the new iPod Touch if they play their cards right. The new iPod has been rumored to be one of the first devices to ship with iOS 9. If that's true however, then it means Apple are also planning a new major iPhone launch. It wouldn't make much sense for the company to debut the new major version of their operating system on anything else but the iPhone, or maybe at least the iPad.

One of the attractive features that the new iPod Touch 6G is rumored to have is a retina display, making it an even better multimedia device. The focus of the iPod may be on its music player capabilities, but many people also enjoy the devices as a portable video player, and giving the new iPod Touch a solid high definition display could prove a winning move for Apple.

This could be the device that decides whether or not Apple will cancel the iPod line for good, so fans of the company who don't want to see the music player brand getting killed off should make sure to keep an eye out for the new iPod, and invest in the device if they find it attractive.

ipod – Google News

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